I think I have Spring Fever. Not only do I long for open windows and long walks in the warm sun, but I have been de-cluttering my house like a mad woman. For those who know me, I am very organized (most of the time...) and I don't keep things around just because. It has to serve a purpose, be used, or be extremely sentimental. We move way too often to be hauling unnecessary items around! While on this crazy quest to de-clutter, I decided I needed to rethink our Chore Chart system for our girls.
We started many years ago using this typical chart:

Although I liked it, our lives are busy things vary from day to day. So, this is what I came up with this past week. They hang from our refrigerator where they can be seen and not ignored!

After the girls are in bed, I put their chores on their ribbons for the following day. Each day will be different depending on our schedule. For instance, some days Maddie will need to set & clear the dinner table, while others we may be eating out. I also included pictures so that Ella can "see" what she has to do until she learns to read. Once they complete a chore, they remove it from their ribbon and put it in a basket. Easy!

I only have two children, so this project was quick and easy. (For those of you with more than two children, check out my friend
Heather's blog for another great chore system!)
1. Print out the child's initial on white cardstock and cut out a circle with decorative scissors.
2. Cut out a larger circle with a corresponding color of cardstock.
3. Sandwich a ribbon in between the two pieces of cardstock using double sided tape to secure.
4. Attach magnetic tape (magnet with adhesive on the back) to the back of the cardstock.
5. Print out "chores" on white cardstock, laminate, and cut out squares (I cut mine 1.5" x 1.5").
6. Hot glue "chores" to mini clothespins.