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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I love to read a great book, but rarely have the time without sacrificing sleep. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about… the kids are finally sound asleep after a normal day of chaos, the kitchen is clean, and you’re in bed for the evening, snug and warm, with your current read. You’re only going to read a “few” chapters and then turn out the light so you can get some rest. Only, mysteriously, hours have passed without your knowledge and you have gone from getting at least 8 hours of sleep to only getting 4.

Honestly, I think a great book is sometimes worthy of a few less hours of sleep, I just need to find the right book and the motivation to actually take the time to read it. So, I was thrilled when my dear friend Heather decided to start a small book club. I have always wanted to be a part of a book club ~ reading great books and then getting together with other readers to discuss our thoughts on the subject matter over coffee. It all seems so sophisticated… and, believe it or not, I do actually have deep thoughts and love to dig into a character (my English teachers would be so proud…).

So here, my friends, is my brief review of our first book ~ The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows. I am no literary expert, so my apologies if this seems scattered.

The book was cleverly written as a series of letters between the main character, Juliet Ashton, and the residents of a small island off the coast of England (Guernsey) that was occupied by the German Army during World War II. The book begins post war in 1946. I found that I had to remind myself several times that this book was fiction as it is historically accurate. The characters were developed very well and seemed so real… I quickly fell in love with them and their quirky ways. I was captivated by their stories and how the German occupation impacted their lives. It is both humorous and touching. I LOVED this book and recommend it highly!


erin said...

the soup was SO GOOD. :)
yoga was awesome, too - i feel so relaxed (i know, it sounds stupid but that's the only way to explain it). i ran before the class, so it was a nice way to wind down.
how are you guys doing?

dkinner7 said...

I am way behind on checking your blog so I'm catching up now. ; } This book looks really good - I'll have to read it soon!!!