Welcome to our blog! As an Army family, we are not usually stationed anywhere close to our relatives and often have to leave behind dear friends every time we move. This blog is our way of keeping our family & friends in "the loop". Check back every few weeks to see what is happing in our lives!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Outdoor Adventures

I am just now beginning to see touches of color on some of the trees in our area ~ a sure sign that in just a few weeks there will be a blanket of leaves on the ground. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am to see the brilliant colors this year! There is nothing quite like an Autumn "fireworks" display put on by nature. I missed this all so much when we lived in Kansas, where the colors aren't so brilliant on the plains!

This is our friend Chippie (named, of course, by the girls who name everything). He loves to stand on top of our wood pile and chirp to his friends.

Here are some photos from the past few days. Friday we visited the Headquarters of the American Horticultural Society ~ River Farm Gardens. It is on the banks of the Potomac River and quite beautiful with many gardens to peruse (and completely free!). Today we ate lunch at an outdoor cafe and then headed to one of many parks in the area. The girls loved walking along the river and learning how to throw a Frisbee.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Boy, I'm sure it will be pretty there soon. Looks like another great outing for the family. One of these days I'll have to ship myself there ;).